“…it took little convincing the financial directors as the numbers just makes sense. “How can one put value on recovery and after all if the IT guy can sleep at night, it means the other stakeholders can sleep better at night”
Baker Tilly SNT LLP recently moved their backups over to Stage2Data’s Rubrik solution. Daniel Gauthier, IT director at Baker Tilly explained why this caused him and the stakeholders to sleep better at night.
For the past sixty years the chartered professional accountants and advisors of Baker Tilly SNT LLP have helped privately-held businesses and individuals succeed in a changing marketplace. The practice has grown to more than 90 partners and professional staff offering services in audit, accounting, tax, entrepreneurial and business advisory services.
Before moving to Stage2Data in 2010, they were still using Backup Exec. Being a financial services provider, law requires keeping 10 years retention of all company and client data. At that time, backing up with Backup Exec became expensive as they were using terabytes and terabytes of storage which required buying more expensive NAS hardware without deduplication capability at that time.