Stage2Data is pleased to announce its newly established partnership with MinIO, a pioneer in high performance, S3 compatible object storage. MinIO specialises in developing cloud-native object storage and helps businesses build private cloud infrastructure. This partnership will be particularly valuable for Stage2Data clients looking for cost effective long term storage.
Leaders in cloud storage
In the current fast-moving digitised business landscape, the amount of data generated every day is growing exponentially. For this reason, object storage is fast becoming the leading mode of storage for the cloud. With Amazon S3 and Azure Blob being the leaders in multi-cloud deployments, Stage2Data in partnership with Minio now offers a cost effective S3 storage solution, available on the public cloud and private cloud, in its own secure data centres located across Canada and the USA.
Some of the advantages of Minio’s object storage technology include high rates of throughput, exceptional performance, and scalability – something neither file nor block storage systems can offer.
“Object storage as a service is essential for both modern IT organizations and developers. Through this partnership, MinIO can deliver high-performance object storage to Stage2Data’s extensive customer base, supporting a broad range of use cases that require both scale and performance. MinIO’s object storage suite will become a vital part of our SaaS offering”, says Stephen Pyott, COO and president of sales at Stage2Data
Hybrid cloud
MinIO is a natural fit for enterprises looking for reliable, efficient, and scalable object storage for their cloud strategies. It currently has more than 7.7M instances running in AWS, Azure and GCP – more than the rest of the private cloud combined. When added to the myriad private cloud instances and extensive edge deployments, MinIO is undoubtedly the hybrid cloud leader.

Modernised IT infrastructure
MinIO is also particularly relevant for businesses that are transforming their traditional IT infrastructure and need cloud-native elements such as RESTful APIs, micro-services, containers, and orchestration. MinIO delivers best-of-breed performance and S3 compatibility ensuring rapid backup and restore capability with maximum storage efficiency.
Continuous replication
Traditional approaches to replication do not scale efficiently beyond a few hundred terabytes. It is also crucial to have a replication solution that supports disaster recovery across all verticals. MinIO’s continuous replication is not only multi-vendor but also ensures that changes are propagated immediately, and data loss is kept to a minimum should a failure occur.
The partnership promises to accelerate Stage2Data’s SaaS portfolio and enhance its long-term object storage capabilities.