Technology Partner

Full Failover and Recovery of all data and IT Systems in Seconds
Say goodbuy to snapshots and long backup windows with Zerto Backup for SaaS through Stage2Data

Complete granular recovery:
Zerto Backup for SaaS is ideal for Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS), allowing users to recover business-critical data in seconds.

Scalable and cost-effective:
A subscription-based service that offers unlimited immutable retentions for as long as organizational needs require, making it a scalable and cost-effective solution for managing and protecting SaaS cloud data.

Powered by Keepit:
Zerto Backup for SaaS protects applications such as Salesforce, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and Google Workspace.

Minimal downtime and maximum productivity in case of data loss or corruption.
Improve your data resiliency with, Zerto’s comprehensive DRaaS solution options.
Get the fastest RPOs and RTOs with always-on replication, application recovery, and journal-based recovery. No more snapshots.
Orchestration and Automation
Failover, move, and test in a few clicks without impact to production. Automate testing and compliance reporting and perform seamless migrations.
Plan workloads with powerful monitoring and visibility. Confidently monitor recovery SLAs while forecasting future infrastructure needs to another site or the cloud.

Learn more about our instant failover and recovery services.
Onboarding Cohesity Improves Stage2Data’s Top and Bottom Lines

Enterprises are increasingly turning to managed service providers (MSPs) to accelerate cloud adoption and improve the innovative solutions they offer. We realised that we required a comprehensive data management platform with multitenant features and robust security to grow our as-a-service offering. Consequently, a new technology partner had to come on board that could ensure rapid virtual machine recovery while remaining flexible in its approach. We have onboarded Cohesity’s comprehensive data management platform to grow our as-a-service offering and improve our top and bottom lines.